Friday, January 18, 2013

Knowing History and the Word of God

 I think we (The American People) have amnesia when it comes to history. We often forget about the past and we very rarely apply what we have learned to future decisions. There are individuals who use their past mistakes as education building blocks. This is true on an individual basis more so than a country basis. When the American people think, they think only of themselves and what’s in it for them. They want it now and not later, they’re not willing to wait. When a politician comes along with charisma and charm and offers change, the American people are quick to believe a lie. Because they think of how it will make life easier for themselves often disregarding their Christian values and the consequences the candidate’s policies will have on America. An example of this type of dictator socialist style president can be recognized by studying the history of how Germany came to power under Hitler. Germany's economy was in disarray and shambles but the Rhetoric of an evil leader in Hitler, was believed by Ungodly or ignorant men. Women and young people. These are the people that brought Hitler to power. The same scenario took place with the Election of Obama in both terms. And we see his socialist style of leadership today. Often disregarding the constitution of our United States of America and pushing his own agenda through the powers of executive orders and the corrupt Supreme Court. 
God is slowly lifting his Grace from America we see it every day. But there is always hope through prayer and responsible Christians reaching out to the weak and being responsible with their right to vote. We should remember not to put our own agenda ahead of our values and Godly principles. This once great nation of ours was founded on Godly values and principles and we were a successful nation at one time because we did not compromise our values to make our personal situation better. We should learn from that and not repeat it during the next election.
 In the past we can use Eve as an example, Satan lied to Eve because he knew Eve was the weaker vessel between man and woman. Satan knew that God did not create Man and Woman equally; therefore, Satan knew he could deceive Eve but not Adam. But Satan was clever enough to know that Adam would be weak and give in to Eve, knowing this Satan lied to Eve instead of Adam. Women are more Susceptible to believe the lie than are men or should I say "Godly" Men.
The same is true for Children usually pedophiles or sexual predators will lie to children because they know Children will believe the lie, especially if it sounds good. So the predators lie to children to get them in a situation where they can take advantage of them. Parents often do not warn their children and teach them about Satan and how Satan can work through people to manipulate them into doing something they shouldn’t be doing.
These are just two examples of how we can learn from the Bible how Satan works.  Through history we have seen this take place, time and time again. Great men of God have been seduced my evil women; women that have been lied to by Satan. An example would be Sampson when he was brought down by Delilah.
We need to read the bible and understand how Satan uses the word of God against us to destroy us. He knew that if Adam and Eve would disobey God they would then know their eyes would be open to evil so it was his quest to introduce Sin to them and have them succumb to it.
This is why it’s important for man to be the head of the household, because it is the order of God. Man, Woman and Child in that order. This Generation of young to middle age adults are completely oblivious to this order, or they think this order is irrelevant to them. Feminism and women claiming to be the equal of men is running rampant in our society and its ripping apart the fabric of the American Family.
This is important when it comes to electing a president; men do believe a lie but “Godly” men are not as susceptible to believe a lie as opposed to “UN Godly” men. Women and young people are the targets of an evil president who tries to manipulate this base because, like Satan, he knows that woman and young people or (Children) will believe his lies and he will be able to seduce them to vote for him. It is often the "UN Godly" man that is responsible for women being misguided and mislead by Evil politicians and other evil people in our society. The onuses and responsibility is squarely on the shoulders of Men. The biggest culprit to the down fall of our society is Men not being obedient to God and understanding the word of God as well as understanding the history of how Satan works to destroy the fabric of the family. Women often follow a Godly man, so if a man is leading his family according to the Word of God, women are less susceptible to Satan lies and tricks.
We learned from history that Adam was not being a Godly man when he followed Eve and not God. We see it time and time again when a man will follow a woman instead of God. Men need to read the bible and they need to heed the warning from past failures of other men from the bible and in modern times.
People who don’t history are destined to repeat it.

James LeCroy